How to Speak English with Confidence

How to Speak English with Confidence in 2023.jpg

A lot of learners often have upper intermediate to advanced levels, but just don’t feel comfortable when they need to speak English in a work meeting, giving a business presentation or having a casual conversation during a business lunch.

A lot of the time, a lack of confidence speaking English is a mindset issue as opposed to a competence one.

If you really don’t have the English level to participate in meetings, express your opinions, and understand what others are saying, then this is a competence matter and you need to focus on improving your level.

It’s a mindset issue when you know that in a one-to-one situation with someone you feel comfortable with, you can express your opinions and communicate ideas, but in front of your colleagues you don’t do this as well, and end up getting nervous, forgetting vocabulary, getting blocks, and feeling anxious.

So how do you improve your mindset so that you feel more confident?

1: Rehearse (a lot)

For meetings, anticipate what you might talk about as well as the questions you may be asked and prepare answers for them.

I suggest writing all this down first, then practising aloud until you feel very comfortable.

If you have a presentation, rehearsal and repetition are absolutely crucial for non-native speakers. Your goal must be ‘over rehearse’ the speech. When you feel you have done enough, do more.

2: Speak Slower

Sometimes non-natives lose confidence when the listener asks them to repeat something.

Instinctively you think that there is something wrong with your English. But, in the majority of cases, you are misunderstood because 1) the listener isn’t used to your accent, and 2) you are speaking too fast. Or both.

Regarding accents, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them and you should not be ashamed of having one.

However, if you are speaking to someone who doesn’t have much exposure to your kind of accent, then naturally they could have difficulty understanding you at the beginning.

Furthermore, when we are nervous we tend to speak faster than normal which affects pronunciation, making it more difficult for listeners to understand.

Therefore, be sure to pronounce and articulate your words carefully, instead of rushing through your speech.

When you can see that people are understanding your message, this builds confidence.

3: Step into the Uncomfortable Zone

I sometimes meet learners who, because of a lack of confidence, avoid situations where they have to speak English in front of others.

I understand this because it can be daunting and our natural tendency is to run away from uncomfortable situations.

But here’s the thing… you are only going to increase your confidence by stepping into the uncomfortable zone and overcoming it.

The key is to be prepared for this moment.

So my suggestion is to confront your fear, but make sure you have done everything possible to prepare.

Here’s your process to achieve the goal of speaking English confidently:

  • Practice until you feel you have done enough. Then practice more.
  • Speak slower and focus on pronouncing your words correctly, so people understand you easier.
  • Confront your fears of speaking English and step into the uncomfortable zone, having prepared sufficiently.

To your success!
