Three Tips for Confident Presentations

3 Tips English Presentations

Giving a presentation in another language can take you out of your comfort zone. Knowing that you have an English presentation coming up often causes anxiety and can even cause sleepless nights.

In this lesson, I share three tips for better-flowing and more impactful work presentations. If you implement them, you’ll improve confidence and fluency and reduce nerves.

Tip 1: Over-Rehearse the Introduction

The introduction sets the tone for your entire presentation and forms the audience’s first impression of you and your message. A strong introduction can captivate your audience from the outset and increase their engagement throughout the presentation.

“Can I trust him?” “Is she credible?” “Is he an authority on this topic?” 

These are the types of questions the audience is asking on a subconscious level. Building trust and authority from the beginning will help your audience buy into your message throughout the presentation.

Furthermore, delivering a good introduction can help settle nerves and build confidence for the rest of the presentation. Starting strong reassures you that you’re on the right track allowing the rest of the presentation to flow better.

The more you rehearse the introduction, the stronger it will be. I suggest that once you are comfortable saying it, practice it five more times so it becomes a bit like a mantra.

Tip 2: Use Linking Expressions to Connect Sections

Providing linking phrases can help you smoothly transition between sections of your presentation. This technique helps your audience follow along and consequently, they will stay more engaged.

Additionally, using linking expressions strengthens your presentation’s structure and organization, which benefits not only your audience but you as well. This is because utilizing linkage enhances your professionalism and facilitates persuasion.

Here are some examples of linking expressions:

“Now, let’s take a look at…”

“Now, let’s turn to…”

“Now, let’s shift our attention to…”

“Turning our focus to…”

“Let’s now shift gears, and take a look at…”

“Now that we’ve covered…, let’s move on to…”

Make sure you use a variety of linking expressions to avoid repeating yourself.

If you want to learn more expressions for linking, consider joining the Impactful English Academy where you will find a whole course section on giving effective presentations.

Tip 3: Rehearse with a Coach

Rehearsing a presentation with a coach offers numerous benefits that can significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of your delivery.

1. Personalized Feedback

A coach provides tailored feedback based on your specific strengths and weaknesses. They can identify areas that need improvement and offer constructive criticism that you might not notice on your own.

2. Improved Confidence

Practising with a coach helps to build your confidence. Knowing that an expert has vetted your content and delivery can make you feel more assured and less anxious during the actual presentation.

3. Structured Practice Sessions

Coaches often provide a structured rehearsal schedule, ensuring that you practice regularly and systematically. This consistency helps to reinforce your learning and improve your performance over time.

4. Objective Perspective

A coach offers an external, objective perspective that can help you see your presentation from the audience’s point of view. This can reveal aspects of your presentation that may not be clear or effective.

5. Accountability and Motivation

Having a coach provides accountability, ensuring that you stay committed to your practice schedule and continuously work on improving your presentation skills.

If you are a non-ntive English speaker and thinking of hiring a coach to help you get prepared for an important presentation, click here to schedule a free discovery session with me.


Giving a presentation in another language can be daunting, often leading to anxiety and stress. However, by implementing the three tips discussed in this lesson, you can significantly enhance the flow and impact of your work presentations, ultimately boosting your confidence and reducing nerves.

Impactful English Academy

