21 Power Words for Your Meetings in English

When speaking English at work, do you sometimes struggle to persuade or get the engagement you want from your colleagues, boss or team?

An effective way of communicating better and being more persuasive is by using ‘power words’ in your speech.

What are power words?

‘Power words’ are impactful, emotionally charged words that capture attention, evoke strong feelings, and inspire action. In business communication, these words are strategically used to persuade, motivate, and engage an audience, enhancing the effectiveness of presentations, negotiations, and written materials.

What happens if you don’t use power words?

If you don’t use power words, your communication may lack the necessary impact to capture and retain the audience’s attention. Messages can appear bland, and uninspiring, and fail to evoke the desired emotional response. This can result in lower engagement, reduced persuasiveness, and a decreased ability to motivate the audience to take action.

Examples of Power Words

Below are examples of power words that can be used in business meetings. These can help you communicate your ideas more persuasively and assertively, ensuring your messages resonate with your audience.

Action-Oriented Words

Accelerate – “We need to accelerate our efforts to meet the deadline.”

Optimize – “We should optimize our resources for better efficiency.”

Streamline – “We need to streamline our processes to reduce costs.”

Persuasive Words

Transform – “This initiative will transform our customer experience.”

Revolutionize – “This technology has the potential to revolutionize our industry.”

Enhance – “We aim to enhance our service quality.”

Confidence-Building Words

Assure – “I assure you, this decision is in the best interest of the company.”

Guarantee – “We guarantee an improvement in performance.”

Certainty – “There is a high degree of certainty in our projections.”

Urgency and Importance Words

Critical – “It’s critical that we address this issue immediately.”

Urgent – “This task is urgent and requires our immediate attention.”

Imperative – “It is imperative that we comply with the new regulations.”

Positive Impact Words

Achieve – “We aim to achieve our goals by the end of the year.”

Benefit – “This change will benefit all departments.”

Growth – “We anticipate significant growth in the next quarter.”

Collaboration Words

Unity – “We must approach this project with unity and shared purpose.”

Joint Effort – “The success of this initiative depends on our joint effort.”

Collective – “Our collective knowledge will lead to innovative solutions.”

Motivational Words

Inspire – “We aim to inspire our team to excel.”

Triumph – “Celebrate each triumph along the journey.”

Thrive: “Our goal is to thrive in a competitive market.”


Power words are an important tool in your English vocabulary toolbox as they can greatly enhance your English communication.

When using power words remember that it’s important to tailor your choice of words to the specific audience, your objective, and the tone of your communication, ensuring they resonate authentically and effectively.

Next Steps…

If you want to learn more power words, we have built a list of 183 of them in the Business English Vocabulary online course at the Academy. Click here to learn more.

Impactful English Academy