How to Stay Motivated to Reach Your English Goals

Stay motivated English

Becoming fluent in English is often a journey filled with ups and downs. Intermediate learners, especially, often face a unique set of challenges that can make it difficult to stay motivated. Understanding these common hurdles and employing effective strategies to overcome them is crucial for continuing progress and achieving fluency. There are strategies that can […]

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21 Power Words for Your Meetings in English

When speaking English at work, do you sometimes struggle to persuade or get the engagement you want from your colleagues, boss or team? An effective way of communicating better and being more persuasive is by using ‘power words’ in your speech. What are power words? ‘Power words’ are impactful, emotionally charged words that capture attention, […]

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Three Tips for Confident Presentations

3 Tips English Presentations

Giving a presentation in another language can take you out of your comfort zone. Knowing that you have an English presentation coming up often causes anxiety and can even cause sleepless nights. In this lesson, I share three tips for better-flowing and more impactful work presentations. If you implement them, you’ll improve confidence and fluency […]

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32 Expressions for Leading a Business Meeting in English

Expressions for leading meetings

Leading meetings can become increasingly common the further up the career ladder you go. A great way for non-native speakers to prepare for English meetings and improve fluency simultaneously is to learn expressions for the key stages of a meeting. In addition to enhancing your preparation for the meeting, learning expressions will help you benefit […]

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Improve English Fluency with the ‘PREP’ Framework

Frameworks for English Fluency blog

Whether you’re giving a presentation, leading a meeting, or engaging in a conversation, speech frameworks can provide clarity and coherence to your speech, helping you articulate your ideas more convincingly. Speech frameworks are structured approaches or models that guide the organization and delivery of your speech. They provide a clear outline to help you convey […]

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2 Success Principles for Achieving Your English Goals

Success Principles 2023

As we’re approaching the latter stages of the year, this article aims to encourage you to reflect on how you are progressing with your English goals. Most people (around 80%) give up on their new resolutions by the end of February, while the ones who achieve their set goals by the end of the year […]

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How to Improve Your Understanding of Native Speakers

In this post, I’m going to talk about how you can improve your ability to understand native speakers. This is a common challenge for English learners because the English you learn from textbooks and taught in language schools is very different from the reality of how natives actually speak. Particularly in terms of pronunciation. There are two […]

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How to Speak English with Confidence

How to Speak English with Confidence in 2023.jpg

A lot of learners often have upper intermediate to advanced levels, but just don’t feel comfortable when they need to speak English in a work meeting, giving a business presentation or having a casual conversation during a business lunch. A lot of the time, a lack of confidence speaking English is a mindset issue as […]

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How to Increase Your English Vocabulary

How to Increase Your Vocabulary in 2023.jpg

When it comes to setting New Year goals, defining and implementing the process for each goal is the most crucial part. If you want to lose weight, for example, the process could be going to the gym 5 times a week, eliminating sugar, and cutting down on carbs by 50%. In this post, I teach you a simple […]

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Public Speaking in English: From Monotonous to Charismatic

Monotonous Public Speaking

We’ve all witnessed monotonous speeches during presentations and in other public speaking situations. A monotonous speaker can be defined as someone who lacks tone or pitch when speaking, which often translates into a deficiency of passion, enthusiasm and emotion. The most memorable speeches in history are the ones that are injected with emotion. This is […]

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