15 Simple Changes to Sound Smarter in English at Work

Sound Smarter in English

In today’s guide, I’m excited to show you how to elevate your English by replacing everyday words with more professional and polished alternatives.

This is important because incorporating these changes into your speech can boost your influence and persuasiveness while helping you sound more dynamic and professional. 

Fortunately, sounding smarter in English doesn’t require a complete vocabulary overhaul as small changes can make a big impact. 

Many professionals tell me they use the same words or expressions even though they are aware of alternative ones. This tells me that the big challenge for non-native speakers is leaving their comfort zone and trying out new words and phrases in their conversations. 

Intentional practice and anticipating opportunities are key to incorporating new language.

So today I want to share 15 simple word swaps to instantly enhance your workplace communication. Let’s dive in.

1. Say “Convey” Instead of “Show”

Example: “This chart conveys our sales performance effectively.”

2. Use “Clarify” Instead of “Explain”

Example: “Could you clarify what you mean by that suggestion?”

3. Swap “Deal With” for “Address”

Example: “How should we address this challenge?”

4. Say “Enhance” Instead of “Improve”

Example: “We need to enhance our marketing strategy.”

5. Replace “Start” with “Initiate”

Example: “We’ll initiate the project next month.”

6. Use “Ramifications” Instead of “Consequences”

Example: “We need to consider the ramifications of delaying the launch.”

7. Say “Provide Assistance” Instead of “Help”

Example: “Could you provide assistance with this report?”

8. Opt for “Demonstrate” Instead of “Show” or “Prove”

Example: “This report demonstrates our progress.”

9. Swap “Problem” for “Complication”

Example: “There’s a slight complication with the shipment, but we’re resolving it.”

10. Use “Facilitate” Instead of “Organize” or “Help”

Example: “I’ll facilitate the team’s success during the training session.”

11. Opt for “Contemplate” Instead of “Think About”

Example “We need to contemplate the potential outcomes.”

12. Use “Establish” Instead of “Set Up”

Example: “Let’s establish a timeline for the project.”

13. Say “Authorize” Instead of “Approve”

Example: “Can you authorize this budget request?”

14. Replace “Do Again” with “Revisit”

Example: “We might need to revisit this part.”

15. Use “Examine” Instead of “Look At”

Example: “We need to examine the data more closely.”

In my Skool community, Impactful English Academy, you will find a list of 80 of these word swaps to sound smarter in English. Click here for a one-week free trial.

How to practice these words in your daily work conversations

Our brain needs to see new vocabulary at least ten times before remembering it, so reviewing new words is crucial. 

Additionally, it is crucial to be intentional about using new language. For this, you need to force yourself to use it first. This means you must look for opportunities to use it and anticipate conversations.

Start small. Choose one or two words to practice this week, and gradually incorporate the rest. 

Try using them in emails, meetings, and casual discussions. Repetition will help solidify them in your vocabulary.


Sounding smarter in English at work doesn’t have to be complicated. By incorporating these 10 simple changes into your vocabulary, you can enhance your communication, boost your confidence, and leave a lasting impression on colleagues and clients.
